Upgrade from v1.7.2 to v1.8.0

This guide will assist in upgrading your AltUnity projects from v1.7.2 to AltTester Unity SDK v1.8.0.

AltUnity Tester becomes AltTester Unity SDK. The new one fits our mission to extend our test automation solution in the following directions: support new platforms, help game testers to start automation easier and start exploring how we could support Unreal and other engines. All changes are listed below, organized by drivers along with how to upgrade your code to work with AltTester Unity SDK v1.8.0.

To learn more about what’s new in AltTester Unity SDK v1.8.0, read the v1.8.0 section from our changelog.


To replace AltUnity Tester with AltTester Unity SDK you will need to do the following steps:

  1. Download AltTester Unity SDK from Altom website

  2. Delete your AltUnity Tester folder

  3. Drag and drop the unitypackage you downloaded in step 1 to your Unity projects


Don’t delete your folder with tests during step 2. You can reuse your tests just with minor modifications



  1. In case of altunityrunner PyPI package, we change the name to AltTester-Driver.

To install the new package run pip install AltTester-Driver.

  1. In case of altunityrunner python package, we change the name to alttester.


from altunityrunner import *


from alttester import *
  1. In case of AltUnityDriver class, we changed the name to AltDriver.

  2. In case of AltUnityObject class, we changed the name to AltObject.

  3. In case of AltUnityKeyCode object, we changed the name to AltKeyCode.

  4. In case of AltUnityLogger class, we changed the name to AltLogger.

  5. In case of AltUnityLogLevel class, we changed the name to AltLogLevel.

  6. In case of AltUnityException class, we changed the name to AltException.

  7. In case of AltUnityInvalidServerResponse class, we changed the name to AltTesterInvalidServerResponse.

  8. In case of AltUnityInvalidPathException class, we changed the name to InvalidPathException.

  9. In case of AltUnityInputModuleException class, we changed the name to AltTesterInputModuleException.

  10. In case of AltUnityPortForwarding class, we changed the name to AltPortForwarding.



  1. In case of AltUnityDriver class, we changed the name to AltDriver.

  2. In case of AltUnityPortForwarding class, we changed the name to AltPortForwarding.

  3. In case of AltUnityDriver package, we changeg the name to AltTester-Driver.







  1. In case of altunityrunner Maven package, we changed the name to AltTester-Driver.

To install the jar run mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./target/AltTester-Driver.jar -DgroupId=com.alttester -DartifactId=alttester -Dversion=1.8.0 -Dpackaging=jar.

  1. In case of altunityrunner jar, we changed the name to AltTester-Driver.


import ro.altom.atlunitytester.*


import com.alttester.*
  1. In case of altunitytester-java-client dependency, we changed the name to alttester.




  1. In case of AltUnityDriver class, we changed the name to AltDriver.

  2. In case of AltUnityObject class, we changed the name to AltObject.

  3. In case of AltUnityDriverConfigFactory class, we changed the name to AltDriverConfigFactory.

  4. In case of AltUnityKeyCode object, we changed the name to AltKeyCode.

  5. In case of AltUnityLogger class, we changed the name to AltLogger.

  6. In case of AltUnityLogLevel class, we changed the name to AltLogLevel.

  7. In case of AltUnitySetServerLogging class, we changed the name to AltSetServerLogging.

  8. In case of AltUnityAddNotificationListenerParams class, we changed the name to AltAddNotificationListenerParams.

  9. In case of AltUnityAddNotificationListener class, we changed the name to AltAddNotificationListener.

  10. In case of AltUnityRemoveNotificationListenerParams class, we changed the name to AltRemoveNotificationListenerParams.

  11. In case of AltUnityRemoveNotificationListener class, we changed the name to AltRemoveNotificationListener.

  12. In case of setAltUnityObject command, we changed the name to setAltObject.

  13. In case of AltUnityObjectAction class, we changed the name to AltObjectAction.

  14. In case of AltUnityObjectProperty class, we changed the name to AltObjectProperty.

  15. In case of AltUnityPortForwarding class, we changed the name to AltPortForwarding.

  16. In case of AltInvalidServerResponse class, we changed the name to AltInvalidServerResponse.

  17. In case of ReceiveAltUnityObject class, we changed the name to ReceiveAltObject.

  18. In case of ReceiveListOfAltUnityObjects class, we changed the name to ReceiveListOfAltObjects.

  19. In case of AltUnityException class, we changed the name to AltException.

  20. In case of AltUnityObjectParams class, we changed the name to AltObjectParams.

  21. In case of AltUnityRecvallException class, we changed the name to AltRecvallException.

  22. In case of AltUnityLoadSceneNotificationResultParams class, we changed the name to AltLoadSceneNotificationResultParams.

  23. In case of AltUnityErrors class, we changed the name to AltErrors.

  24. In case of AltUnityLogNotificationResultParams class, we changed the name to AltLogNotificationResultParams.