Team Training & End-to-End Test Automation for a Virtual Builder App
Unity App Testing – 3D Virtual Builder
Key achievements
- Team training
- Proof of concept that AltTester® framework can work with the client’s application
- Improved app testability
- Faster feedback loop

Types of testing
- Test Automation
- UI Driven Testing
Tools & technologies
- AltTester® Unity SDK
- AltTester® Desktop
- Unity
- C#
- Constructions: Planning & Site Development
- House engineering consultancy
The client
EIC Activities is part of CIMIC Group and is mainly responsible for delivering engineering and technical services. They provide in-depth sector experience, specialist engineering services, and technical solutions. Their Virtual Builder app integrates data from design, planning, and construction into a common environment that leverages real-time 3D technology to replicate the construction site and provide an immersive representation of the real-world state of a project.

The needs and challenges
They first approached us with a test automation training request for their development team that soon transformed into a more complex collaboration. Their plan was to go live and they needed a faster feedback loop for their virtual builder app. They had many unit tests set in place, but no end-to-end tests.
Our solution
Proof of concept – AltTester® framework works with the Virtual Builder
Before writing any tests we took an initial look around the application to see if there are any major challenges for end-to-end automation with AltTester®.
We started with the setup and we planned the tests agreed with the client, but we soon found out that we needed to make some changes to our tools and to the app’s code so we could test various parts of the app. Based on our feedback, the client’s development team made the changes to the app’s code (ex: name objects to later identify in tests) to improve testability.
After everything was set in place we planned the tests that we would implement for the PoC and consulted with the client to see if the plan was ok.
Team training – Interactive sessions: mob programming & pair programming
After we finished the PoC, we had frequent interactive sessions with the client to explain what we implemented, how it worked and how the development team can use the tools and what to expect from them in order to expand the automated tests. We got together and through mob programming we worked on end-2-end tests.
Testing the main functionalities of the app
We provided a logical pattern to organize the automated tests, making it easy to maintain and develop further tests. We implemented tests for the main functionalities that are used most by the users like login, creating projects, creating programs, adding assets in the world. We found a few bugs in the product that the development team quickly fixed.

The result
We helped the client set in place several of tests that cover main functionalities of the application and we helped their development team to get familiar with the workflow for writing and maintaining end-to-end tests.
We worked with this client on the Starter Plus pack of our Unity test automation jumpstart packages. Check our kickstart packages and choose the one that fits your company’s needs!
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