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Connect to a game build

See below two different methods for connecting to your game. Both methods should work, no matter the platform your game is running on, so pick the one more suitable for your context.



The inspector needs all scenes to be included in the build. Even if you are loading your scenes from AssetBundle. Make sure to include all scenes in the build. See also known issues.

Connect through IP


  • Provide the IP address of the device on which the game is running. If the game is running on the same machine as AltUnity Inspector then the IP is (localhost).

  • Set the port on which the AltUnity Tester is running (it’s displayed on the AltUnity Tester popup on your game). The default port number is 13000.


Make sure both the device on which AltUnity Inspector and the mobile game are running are in the same network.

Connect to game popup

Connect through Port Forwarding


  • Set up ADB or iProxy depending on what platform your game is:

    • If your game is running on an Android platform then make sure you have ADB and it is added in the path. Forward the port using the following command: adb [-s UDID] forward tcp:local_port tcp:device_port

    • If your game is running on an iOS platform then make sure you have iProxy installed. Forward the port using the following command: iproxy LOCAL_TCP_PORT DEVICE_TCP_PORT [UDID]

  • Provide the IP address of the machine that the device running the game is connected to.

  • Set the port on which the AltUnity Tester is running (it’s displayed on the AltUnity Tester popup on your game). The default port number is 13000.


Take into account any Port Forwarding you might have set up when setting the IP and Port.