Release notes
V 2.2.0
New Features
Support for UI Toolkit
Support for Unreal
Added the yellow banner holding news about AltTester®
Fixed Terms and Conditions display issues
Made UI more consistent
Works with AltTester® Unity SDK 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.0
V 2.1.2
New Features
Quick Run
SetText command
Fixed some performance issues
Fixed some bugs related to the recorder
Works with AltTester® Unity SDK 2.0.x, 2.1.x
V 2.1.1
New Features
Added Java language for recording
Fixed issue that Click or Tap actions are not recorded properly
Fixed small issues in the Subscription Panel
Fixed small batchmode issues
Added more logs generated from the Subscription Panel
Works with AltTester® Unity SDK 2.0.x, 2.1.x
V 2.1.0
New Features
List of instrumented apps that are connected to the server appears in Connection Panel
Added setting to limit frames sent when live update is active
Added Robot Framework language for recording
Added command line parameter to get Desktop version
Improved performance when recording
Fixed issue when searching for properties
Fixed disconnection issues
Fixed issue that some actions are not recorded properly
Improve error message that are displayed to be more user friendly
Works with AltTester® Unity SDK 2.0.x, 2.1.x
V 2.0.2
New Features
Added a search bar to the third column to search for methods, properties and fields
Multiple improvements and optimizations for recording
Updated the path displayed in the third column/recorder when having multiple objects with the same name
Fixed problems with settings persistence
Fixed an issue that server started when user hasn’t accepted the terms and conditions yet
Added a parameter to be able to accept terms and conditions in batchmode
Fixed theme related issues
Scroll sensitivity in the Scene list scroll view was increased
Live update is now active when recording is started
License is activated correctly when changing license key
Recorder scroll view now scrolls down automatically when adding a new command
Fixed the issue with Desktop not disconnecting when the instrumented app is closed or put in background(android/iOS)
Works with AltTester® Unity SDK 2.0.x
V 2.0.1
Terms and conditions accessible in app all the time.
Settings are persistent when closing and reopening the desktop app.
Fixed resize issues on the Getting Started Guide
Inform users about how to move between results.
Resolve multiple issues with responsiveness elements.
Refactor connection panel.
Add versioning to documentation based on tags.
Works with AltTester® Unity SDK 2.0.x
V 2.0.0
New Features
Implemented the Recorder.
Added support for WebGL.
Changed screenshot compression from PNG to JPG so that live update becomes smoother.
Changed the architecture.
Changed the layout of the connection panel, screenshot area, objects hierarchy area, header and settings page.
Made connection to the local server or a remote server possible.
AltTester® Desktop can be started in batch mode.
The AltTester® Server can handle multiple driver connections.
App connected to AltTester® Desktop can be identified by name.
Updated the websocket to support .NET 6 and .NET 7.
V 1.5.1
Added a link to download SDK package when version mismatch error appears
Works with AltTester® Unity SDK 1.8.x
V 1.5
Changed AltUnity Inspector name to AltTester® Desktop
Changed AltUnity Tester name to AltTester® Unity SDK
Works with AltTester® Unity SDK 1.8.x
V 1.4
New Features
Support for multiple texture formats when it comes to screenshots.
Changed the communication protocol to use websocket.
Component name and assembly of the current element are displayed on top of the third column for easy access when fields, methods and properties are shown. This way switching between tabs is not necessary.
Fixed minor display issues related to Terms and Conditions.
Only active cameras are displayed in the dropdown to avoid potential exceptions.
Some errors thrown by the driver were incorrectly marked as info. Fixed this issue in the logs.
Works with AltUnity Tester 1.7.x
V. 1.3
New Features
Scenes can be loaded both in single or additive mode using the Manage Scenes modal. Load single means that the selected scene is loaded and the others scenes unloaded. Load additive means that the new scene is loaded without unloading any currently loaded scene.
The latest five connections are saved and displayed within the connection modal in the following format IP : port. This allows users to select from a list of past connections, instead of introducing the IP and port every time.
Click, tap and press commands were refactored
Error logs are displayed without refreshing or performing any other action
A few display issues for fields and properties were fixed
The hierarchy remains scrolled into the expected view after scenes are changed or Inspector is refreshed
V. 1.2
New Features
Objects hierarchy can be searched by every selector from AltUnity Tester (name, text, id, tag, layer, component, path) . This makes it possible to verify from the AltUnity Inspector if a selector is correct, highlight and navigate through the matching objects
Object path is displayed on the element details area. This can be copied directly to By.PATH method to quickly locate elements.
AltId, a unique object identifier generated by AltUnity Tester. It is displayed on the element details area and it can be used with the By.ID selector.
Scene is added as an additional wrapper to the objects hierarchy which on right click opens a context menu displaying the Expand all and Collapse all options.
Objects selected on the screenshot area, are expanded and brought on focus in the hierarchy area as well
Horizontal scrollbar added in logs area
Memory improvements
Layout improvements for property and field lists so the content will not overlap
Minor theme and layout inconsistency fixes
Some newly added features are only supported by AltUnity Tester 1.6.3. But this version of Inspector also works with 1.6.2 , 1.6.1 and 1.6.0.
V. 1.1
We improved the click and select functionalities in the screenshot area. In some scenarios, objects could not be selected/clicked from the screenshot area or were not correctly highlighted in the objects hierarchy.
We limited the size of the scrollbar to be always visible.
We adjusted the log system to handle a large number of logs without affecting the performance.
We increased the timeout duration for command sending to 10 seconds and removed duplicated commands to have fewer chances to encounter socket exceptions.
Works with AltUnity Tester 1.6.2 , 1.6.1 and 1.6.0
V. 1.0
New Features
New actions to interact with the game
Zoom in/out functionality on the screenshot area
Logs, to make the support easier
Settings page
Better access to object information through an improved structure of both the object hierarchy and details area
Performance optimizations for image quality, frame-rate and loading time
Connection fixes between AltUnity Inspector and games running on mobile devices
Layout changes to improve the UX