We have good news for you! AltTester® 2.1.2 is here, offering the possibility to replay your recorded test. We also added a simple way to set text for the appropriate objects and some improvements in how asserts are recorded.
Uncover more about these features below!
Quick run

Until now, you have been able to record the actions you performed on objects/components from your app. What’s new in version 2.1.2 is that, for Python and Robot Framework, you can also replay the steps displayed under the “Recorded steps” tab by pressing the “Run” button in the header area of the recording window. After running your test, you can find your results under the “Output” tab. You can copy or delete your steps as usual and find your previously run tests at the path specified on the “Settings” page. The default path is “C:\Users\USERNAME\.alttester\tests\history” on Windows and “/Users/USERNAME/.alttester/tests/history” on MacOS.

Recorder improvements
Set text
In the element details area, we added a new input field used for modifying the text component of the object (ex. button, input field, label etc.). This field can also be used while recording steps in the following ways:
- Change the content of the input field and hit return. This will add a new step to the list of the recorded steps with the SetText() command on the currently selected object
- Click on the label “Text” to generate an assert verifying if the text component has the value displayed in the input field

One of our clients pointed out that, instead of registering GetComponentProperty() and then an assert on the expected value, we could use only one command: WaitForComponentProperty(). So we implemented their suggestion; we updated the exception that is thrown by WaitForComponentProperty() to specify if the expected value meets the criteria or not and we used this command alone, eliminating the need for assert. Also, we added the maxDepth optional parameter to the WaitForComponentProperty() command when it is recorded for visibility and ease of modifying the maximum level from which properties should be fetched.
For more information check out our documentation.
If you have questions or need further support, join us on our Discord; our team will gladly help you.
Happy testing!